* RCI Approved CRE Status. * Please note: Early bird ends on December 8, 2018. * Last date for submission of abstracts: December 10, 2018. * Last date for full paper submission: December 20, 2018.

Be the Difference:

Equality and Equity in Education

1st International Conference
January 18-19, 2019

The International Conference on the theme, “Be the Difference: Equality and Equity in Education” is being organized by Department of Special Education, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. This conference intends to reflect on research and evidence based practices across India and outside India and provides a forum for the varied groups of professionals to examine the need for changes in the present education system. National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD) is our partner for this conference and Rehabilitation council of India (RCI) has accorded CRE Status to the conference.

Objectives of the Conference
This conference is planned with following objectives:

  • To provide a forum to promote an inclusive approach in education
  • To reflect on innovative researches and evidence based practices in education
  • To develop an action plan to promote the equality and equity in education

Background and Justification

People irrespective of their significant diversities have the fundamental right of education. In the emerging 21st century which is also known as the era of science and technology, when the societies are becoming advanced day by day, in many developing countries like India, larger populations are still deprived from the need of/and quality based education. “One fit to all” structure of education is no longer felt relevant to fulfill the diversified needs of learner. The rigid pedagogic landscapes and the methodologies which are being practiced in recent times need a greater shift from its traditional to more innovative and flexible pattern to make it accessible for all. Further, with the rapid advancement of new age technologies available to the current generation, where the use of ICT and online learning are in trend, many classrooms are still untouched with these innovative educational practices.

Ironically, the rapid changes and increased complexity of the present day world poses new demands on education system. This led to the growing awareness of the necessity to restructure the preparation of the students for productive functioning in the present challenging environment. In this regard, we need to rethink about the system and the structure of education we are providing to the present generation. There is a need to empower and prepare teachers as well as the entire education system to build an inclusive educational society for which various social issues must be addressed. The focus must be extended to the children to be equipped with a life skills and rights based education to prepare them for a better adult life.

Relevance of the Conference

India has made rapid progress in improving the education system during last few decades through various national and international laws, commitments and guidelines emphasizing equitable and sustainable educational opportunities for all. Many innovative and advanced research based practices in education are emerging day by day. Today there is an immense need for all the educational challenges, provisions and practices to be addressed by the various stakeholders from different disciplines. This International Conference provides a platform for all the stakeholders in the field of education and other disciplines to develop an action plan to create an inclusive educational society.

Outcome of the Conference

The anticipated outcomes of the conference would be developing effective monitoring strategies among the educational practitioners and educational administrators. This would also provide a basis for the policy makers to have a better perspective to improvise the existing policies and to prepare a strong legal background for the education of our present and future generations.

Sub-themes of the conference

  1. Access to Education
  2. Education for Sustainable Development
  3. Technology in Teaching And Learning
  4. Pedagogic Innovation
  5. Instructional Leadership
  6. Social Media and Education
  7. Diversity and Inclusive Education
  8. Multicultural Education
  9. Gender Equality
  10. Policies and Legislations in Education

Pre-Conference Workshops and Symposium
January 16-17, 2019

The pre-conference workshops and symposium are planned on January 16-17 in sync with the theme of the main conference. It provides a backdrop to the whole conference. The workshops are planned with the objective of putting forth some strategies for teachers to implement in their inclusive classrooms. The symposium is organized with the objective to provide a forum for academicians and practitioners to discuss and brainstorm solutions to the challenges faced in the education system today. NIEMPD is our partner and RCI has accorded CRE Status to the Pre-conference Workshop and symposium.


  • Breakthru Approach-Turning Obstacles into Opportunities with Kinesiology (Science of Movement)
  • Inclusive Educational Practices for Children with Diverse Learning Needs

Symposium Themes

  • Inclusion in Mainstream Schools
  • Alternate Education Approaches
  • Classroom Management in an Inclusive Classroom
  • A Gender Lens to Education

Who can participate? 

Academicians, Mainstream Teachers, Researchers, Policy Makers, NGOs, Practitioners, Parents, Persons with Disabilities, Graduate Students, Special Educators, Administrators